Hi there! GREETINGS ! neowiky.blogspot.com is my precious BLOG, it's my family member names: neil-fiona-william-kylie-kian Have a Nice Reading and your shouts & comments are welcome!
..when i was a child, i thought that year 2000's gonna be fully covered with crystal and glasses on the road.. flying cars..robotic pets.. hmm.. it's 2010 and tx god they're all still the same, can't imagine if my kids living in that world, even only toys.. but i thankful live in this decade, distance could be reach ...in just a click, accross the universe.. happy new year ! ~fiona. Quote by Fiona Siahaan on my Facebook today :)
Sunday, 6th Dec 09, there was Spouse Appreciation Day, took place in Titan Center for DXG family, with theme:
Together in Harmony..
This event dedicated to all the spouses of DXG's managers to support their husbs/wives in working here.. what a lovely evening...
Touchy surprised from MD when some couples that separated by distance from their spouses invited to attend and showed-up, shocking their partners on the stage :)
Also, there was angklung performance by Saung Angklung Mang Udjo from Bandung and we're all played angklung together.. we played some pop-songs, lead by Mang Yayan, the owner.
So beautiful harmony of traditional musical play..
I myself was part of the committee since this is HR event, and beside being master of the ceremony, also pic in souvenir, also entertainer in playing piano :) wonderful day !
I thank to my soul-mate, my spouse, my husband, for supporting me .. never complaint of this working time that consumed my time with the family... U know, I still love being a working-mom, honey !
The kids are just fine @ home.. they'll know this someday, only if u allow and God's will..
Thanks to my 2 beautiful girls in HR team, Weny & Hanita :) Keep up the good spirit & support, dear..
When you do things from your soul you feel a river moving in you, a joy. When action come from another section, the feeling disappears.
Hellow readers, been quite long since my last story bout family or friends that I shared here.
Everyday with colourful story of my life.. God is so good to me, how can I payback for all of these gifts, Lord?
If I rewind my story to couple months ago...
This September, my dashing Son turned 7... Wish all the best happened to William... abundantly HIS love & joy.. Love you kiddo !
Also this month, Mom got new challenge in career, thanks to Lord. More responsibility to handle but I know He never leave me..
Congratulation for Dexa Medica 40th Continuous Dedication ! pf. 27 September 1969 - 2009.. So Proud being part of this company..
October, a special month because this is when my parents (my Mom & belated Dad) were born. My mom on 16th while Dad (†) on 4th.. Love my mum so much... On her 61st anniversary, we celebrate it at Jalan Sabang Jakarta, one cafe with live music...
PARTY YEACH !! We spend the saturday nite with lovely KBKM... thank all bros & sists.. (sorry can't mention all the name here... just look at the crowd here )
Special Guests were coming from Banjarmasin, Om Fred & Tante Telly Belleng, my mom's sister.. they already spend their golden marriage this year, BRAVO !! LOVE YOU !!
Remember when I was still a child, they always there for any birthday in the family, to pray for us.. and till now, never change.. Never be the same without you...!
Oooppss.. almost forget to report... my baby Kian got baptized (baby showered) on 18th October 2009, at GKI Cinere.. Praise the Lord ! Kian was so nice in the church, thank you Son... Never enough spaces to talk about only Kian.. so cute curly bundle of mine.... *kiss-kiss-mom*
Then this is already November.. ffiuh... daily routinity that make Mom always Give Thanks to God, for what He has done to my family....
December is coming, will so much fun preparing my lil princess 4th bday... (already ??) and also Christmas is coming to town... welcoming the born of our Saviour with a new Hope and Love...
Everything here in my blog also dedicated to my husband Neil, father of our 3 cute children, for his kindness, and his love to our family, who always fly jkt-pku-jkt-pku.. back and forth all the time for our prosperity.. Luv ya hun.. so much..
The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family. ~Thomas Jefferson
------------------------------ Just wanna share, my Daily Bread I got for Today, Tuesday 17th November 2009.. so nice.. please take some time to read it all :) GBU !
Fresh from the Oven Posted: 16 Nov 2009 08:00 AM PST Ayat bacaan: Ratapan 3:22-23 ======================== "Tak berkesudahan kasih setia TUHAN, tak habis-habisnya rahmat-Nya, selalu baru tiap pagi; besar kesetiaan-Mu!"
Fresh from the oven merupakan ungkapan yang dipakai orang dimana-mana untuk menggambarkan sesuatu yang segar dan baru. Saya sering memakai ungkapan ini ketika mempublikasikan artikel atau informasi terbaru dalam situs jazz saya di jejaring Facebook. Tukang roti akan dengan sangat senang memakai slogan ini karena pasti ampuh menggambarkan roti yang masih hangat, empuk dan lezat. "If something is fresh from the oven, that means it is very new". Demikian penjelasan mengenai idiom ini di sebuah artikel yang saya baca. Bayangkan jika sebuah perusahaan makanan memakai slogan sebaliknya, "tidak pernah baru" atau "Selalu lama", jauh benar kan image atau kesan yang ditimbulkan? Seperti itulah memang, kita selalu rindu akan hal-hal yang segar dan baru. Memulai hari baru dengan semangat baru, lepas dari pengalaman-pengalaman pahit atau memalukan di masa lalu dan bisa mulai menatap masa depan yang cerah. "It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life, for me, and I'm feeling good." kata Michael Buble dalam lagu populernya "Feelin' Good". Mendengarnya saja sudah menyenangkan, apalagi mengalami.
Slogan ini sesungguhnya juga dipakai Tuhan untuk memberkati kita anak-anakNya. Bahkan tidak berhenti hanya pada slogan semata, tapi Allah yang sempurna pun pasti memenuhinya karena Dia bukanlah sosok yang ingkar janji. Jika Allah berjanji, Allah pasti menepati. Dan janji itu hadir pada ayat emas yang menjadi ayat bacaan hari ini. "Tak berkesudahan kasih setia TUHAN, tak habis-habisnya rahmat-Nya, selalu baru tiap pagi; besar kesetiaan-Mu!" (Ratapan 3:23). Dalam bahasa Inggrisnya dikatakan "His tender compassions fail not, they are new every morning, great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness." KasihNya yang lembut tidak pernah gagal, selalu baru setiap pagi. Setiap kita bangun pagi, ada Tuhan menyapa kita dengan berkatNya yang fresh from the oven of His Kingdom. Lihatlah bahwa Allah pun selalu menjanjikan sesuatu yang segar, bukan sisa-sisa, bukan sesuatu yang kadaluarsa. Dia selalu memberkati kita dengan segala yang terbaik. Tapi seringkali kita tidak menyadari hal itu. Kita menganggap Tuhan tidak tanggap terhadap diri kita, kita lupa untuk mengucap syukur dan berterimakasih setiap kita bangun pagi. Padahal Tuhan siap memberkati kita dengan penuh sukacita untuk memulai hari dan melakukan yang terbaik hari ini. Bukankah kesibukan-kesibukan kita hari ini pun berasal dari berkatNya?
Betapa kita berharga di mataNya. Betapa besar kasihNya pada kita. Jika "Ia, yang tidak menyayangkan Anak-Nya sendiri, tetapi yang menyerahkan-Nya bagi kita semua, bagaimanakah mungkin Ia tidak mengaruniakan segala sesuatu kepada kita bersama-sama dengan Dia?" (Roma 8:32). Ini menggambarkan dengan jelas betapa besar kerinduan Allah untuk selalu memberikan yang terbaik pada kita. Bahkan dengan kedatangan Kristus, kita dimungkinkan untuk mengalami pemulihan hubungan dengan Tuhan, mengalami penebusan dan dilayakkan untuk menerima berkat keselamatan, menikmati hadiratNya hari ini, merasakan kedekatan dan kasihNya yang begitu teduh secara langsung. Dalam Kristus kita diperbaharui. "Jadi siapa yang ada di dalam Kristus, ia adalah ciptaan baru: yang lama sudah berlalu, sesungguhnya yang baru sudah datang." (2 Korintus 5:17). Apakah kita mau mensyukuri hal itu dan mengimaninya dengan hidup sebagai sosok yang sudah diperbaharui, atau kita memilih untuk terus terikat pada berbagai kebiasaan buruk di masa lalu, terbelenggu pengalaman-pengalaman pahit di waktu lalu, itu semua pilihan kita. Apakah kita mau memakainya atau melupakannya, itu pun pilihan kita.Yang jelas, apa yang disediakan Tuhan sesungguhnya baru dan segar, dan itu hadir setiap pagi.
Jika hari ini kita belum menyadari benar akan hal itu, mari kenali Tuhan lebih lagi. Semakin kita mengenalNya, semakin kita mengetahui kasih dan rancanganNya buat kita, semakin kita terkagum-kagum dibuatNya. Firman Tuhan yang disampaikan kepada Hosea berkata "Marilah kita mengenal dan berusaha sungguh-sungguh mengenal TUHAN; Ia pasti muncul seperti fajar, Ia akan datang kepada kita seperti hujan, seperti hujan pada akhir musim yang mengairi bumi." (Hosea 6:3). Lagu rohani yang sangat terkenal buah karya Afen Hardiyanto pun berbicara mengenai hal ini. "JanjiMu seperti fajar pagi hari, dan tiada pernah terlambat bersinar. CintaMu seperti sungai yang mengalir, dan ku tahu betapa dalam kasihMu."
Jika Tuhan mengasihi kita dengan sebentuk kasih dan berkat-berkat yang baru setiap pagi, sudahkah kita memberikan yang terbaik juga bagi istri/suami dan anak-anak kita, orang tua kita, tetangga, atasan, bawahan, rekan sekerja, teman-teman di kampus atau sekolah, dan kepada orang lain di sekitar kita? Sebagai anak-anak Allah yang mencitrakan Bapanya, sudah seharusnya pula kita memberikan sesuatu yang baru, yang terbaik bagi orang lain. Perhatian terbaik, senyuman terbaik, bantuan terbaik, kualitas terbaik, usaha terbaik, cinta terbaik, semua itu mampu memberikan perbedaan nyata dimana kasih Allah bisa dirasakan oleh orang lain melalui diri kita. Seperti halnya sesuatu yang fresh from the oven yang disenangi siapapun, hidup kita pun bisa menjadi berkat yang selalu baru dan menyegarkan bagi orang-orang yang bersinggungan dengan kita setiap hari. Ketika Tuhan memberkati kita dengan penuh kasih setiap pagi, kitapun harus pula menjadi berkat yang terus segar setiap harinya. Dan ketika kita menjadi berkat, Tuhan disenangkan. Ketika anda bangun hari ini, ada berkat Tuhan yang segar dan baru dicurahkan dari tahtaNya. Sudahkah anda bersyukur kepadaNya dan siapkah anda memakainya untuk menjadi berkat buat orang lain?
God's compassions are fresh from the oven, they are new every morning..
CONFIDENCE Once, all village people decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer, all the people gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella; that's Confidence.
TRUST Trust should be like the feeling of a one-year-old baby. When you throw him in the air, he laughs... because he knows you will catch him; that's Trust.
HOPE Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to get up alive in the next morning but still we make plans for the coming day; that's Hope.
Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness; Bad days give you experiences; Both are essential to life ---------------------- dedicated to my lovely family... I love you Pap.. Mom loves you Will, Kay, Kian...
AHAA !! It's holiday.. loooooong holiday !! 4 days lebaran holiday to enjoy with 3 lil monsters and no nanny.. yippie....
and the journey begins....
Day -1: Lunch + Dinner @ Plaza Semanggi Day -2: Lunch + Dinner @ Poins Square Day -3: Lunch + Dinner @ Grand Indonesia Day -4: Lunch + Dinner @ PIM
then, we picked-up OMA to stay in Cinere for 2 days since Mom has to work & Pap planned to Cirebon for his friends' wedding.
So, nothing to worry, huh ?? Just ready for the nxt month bills, Pap :p
------------- Here, Mom hides some important information, since it's our very colorful secret ;p : - Nanny already left from 14th of Sept (how to feed the baby, mbak??) - The big kids, still having school until 17th of Sept (what is today's uniform mbak ??) - We forgot William's bday on the 17th Sept, due to that 'very busy situation' (gosh!) - Pap worked so hard as a MOM, since the real Mom has to work (sorry Pap) - With so many little things to clean-up, to prepare, to check, to handle (ffiuuuh) - Soooo, 4 days having Lunch + Dinner at mal were sound so fine, right ??! (*wink2*) ----------------
You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. ~Franklin P. Jones
...17 September.... 2002 : My little bundle was born.. so tiny, so weak.. bout 2.6kg and 33weeks, premature..
2003 : He turned 1.. Joyful families.. Celebrate at Opung's house, Mom was so happy..
2004 : Heyy... he's 2 now ! And.. he's already a little boy in Pre-School, enjoy bday at school !
2005 : Time to travel.. We celebrate his 3rd bday in Bencoolen Singapore, God so good to us :)
2006 : Wheeeww... he's already in K-1, and we celebrate his bday in class room.. happy bday !
2007 : Happy 5th bday abang..! Opung gave you Spiderman costume, Mom still keep it...
2008 : No longer a little kid, 2 little fellas at home (younger sis & bro). PSP was best gift 4 u and new bike from Opung..
...and now...... 17 Sept 2009 is coming... and you are going 7 !! Mom couldn't tell, how much I have to give thanks to the Holy One... HE's So Kind to Us !
you are my precious one, my son.. William Paulus Nathanael Simanjuntak... Be a good brother for your sister Kylie Rachel Christinami Simanjuntak and a best buddy for your little brother Kian Christopher Benjamin Simanjuntak
Mom loves u all.. day and night..
These pics are taken when you're 4,5 and 6.. before that no digital pic ones, later yaa.. will scan it..
Mom home-made bday cake.. try to always make it myself :)
So happy having his first gadget.. & pic with friends & teacher
Never forget Pap.. who always worked so hard for our wealth.. Luv u too Pap...
What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
A boy is a magical creature - you can lock him out of your workshop, but you can't lock him out of your heart. ~Allan Beck
Before Lebaran holidays, mom & pap took 2 days vacation for trip to Yogya.. Got very affordable tickets & hotel, so even with our hectic work, we made it... Luv you hney.. So unforgettable moments there..
'Bout the trip.... Ouuuuwh..I love this city so much.. been sooooo long since my last trip to YK... a little bit flash-back.. when I was in college, I spent bout 3-4 times a year to visit Yogya, just for refreshment or visiting friends....
This time, we stay in Santika Hotel, with Ramadhan package, so we got special price with 2x meals ..very very recommended food... Since it's only 3 days (2 nites), we don't go anywhere but Malioboro ..hehe.. went to Bringhardjo Market 2x & walked around there.. Becak was our best option for transportation back-forth hotel-malioboro.
Enjoy the pics..
A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in. ~Robert Orben
It's not brand new, but it's my new one.. I love it so much.. and also my Kids.. Thank you to my luvly Honey, for this precious one, my greeny P206! I love you so much !
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tampak samping
The longest journey begins with a single step, not with a turn of the ignition key. ~Edward Abbey