Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lebaran Holiday's Report (mom's version)

AHAA !! It's holiday.. loooooong holiday !! 4 days lebaran holiday to enjoy with 3 lil monsters and no nanny.. yippie....

and the journey begins....

Day -1: Lunch + Dinner @ Plaza Semanggi
Day -2: Lunch + Dinner @ Poins Square
Day -3: Lunch + Dinner @ Grand Indonesia
Day -4: Lunch + Dinner @ PIM

then, we picked-up OMA to stay in Cinere for 2 days since Mom has to work & Pap planned to Cirebon for his friends' wedding.

So, nothing to worry, huh ?? Just ready for the nxt month bills, Pap :p

Here, Mom hides some important information, since it's our very colorful secret ;p :
- Nanny already left from 14th of Sept (how to feed the baby, mbak??)
- The big kids, still having school until 17th of Sept (what is today's uniform mbak ??)
- We forgot William's bday on the 17th Sept, due to that 'very busy situation' (gosh!)
- Pap worked so hard as a MOM, since the real Mom has to work (sorry Pap)
- With so many little things to clean-up, to prepare, to check, to handle (ffiuuuh)
- Soooo, 4 days having Lunch + Dinner at mal were sound so fine, right ??! (*wink2*)

You can learn many things from children.
How much patience you have, for instance.

~Franklin P. Jones

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