Friday, August 07, 2009

My Greeny P ;)

It's not brand new, but it's my new one.. I love it so much.. and also my Kids..
Thank you to my luvly Honey, for this precious one, my greeny P206!
I love you so much !

tampak depan

tampak belakang

tampak samping

The longest journey begins with a single step, not with a turn of the ignition key.
~Edward Abbey


Gloria said...

oo.. pantesan kemaren pas lewat aku lihat udah nyetir sendiri si ibu.. :)

Fiona Siahaan said...

Lah.. kalo liat kenapa gak setopin..? hehe... pasti diajakin bareng deh :)..
Persiapan pindah ke Titan kan, gimana caranya kalo musti naik Mr. O alias ngojexx...? kan musti lewat toll... ?
Lain kali setopin aja yaa.. :P

Gloria Limbong said...

Hohoho.. pasti atuh ibu.. ;-)
Mudah2an sering ketemu (sambil lipat tangan, tutup mata hihihihi)

Riza said...

tak kirain ijo yang terkenal ituh...