Friday, December 29, 2006

Kaleidoskop 2002-2006

Heeyy y'all.. 2006 is almost finished, we are facing the New Year, what will happen next, I don't know yet, only God knows.. but what I can do is to thank God for all the gifts & to reflects what have been done during this year.
Before highlighting this year's moment, I will go back first to previous years, the years I started my life with my new family. Beside, I never have any blogs before, so I'll tell all of the stories behind, here..

These recent years was so spectaculair & full of blessed, started from 2002 January 19, when Neil Slamat Simanjuntak & myself, Fiona Maria Magdalena vowed each other in our wedding ceremony, I still remember that day, the day when I was slimmer than now (oouchh). Then we lived at Kelapa Gading apartment for few months until our son William Paulus Nathanael Simanjuntak born on 17 September thru caesar at Puri Cinere Hospital due to 'pecah ketuban'& kecepetan deh. The condition made us move to Cinere, then new story of our life was began.

2003, this year, Pak Ua
Frits Simanjuntak married with Mama Ua Desi Sihombing on March (cmiiw) at Bogor that's completing Cinere's family happiness. Then baby Deo (Peter Amadeo Sumarlin) was born on May 31, 2003 the son of my sister in law, Vera Simanjuntak & Antonius Sumarlin. Welcome to the family..

Then 2004 it is. Story of my Family, Siahaan-Kansil from Shangrila, it happened this year. My mom was celebrating 3 weddings of her children.. whooowhh.. On April, Fita & Tomson Sinurat married at Patra Jasa Kuningan after not waiting long time of their relationship. Then Kelapa Gading Sport Club was the wittness of Fredy & Syifa, on August - it was a very happy day to all of us. Then, on October, Fransiska & Bansar Panjaitan got married before they went to Singapore for 2 years due to Bansar's duty. Never heard that kind of thing before, 3 weddings in the same year, haven't you ? We started 2004 with small team & end it with bigger one. Thank you God for all your kindness.
Little William had goes for school by January (yes, he was 1 yr 3 mths old at that time), at Pamong Sito Montessory Cinere. That moments gave us another happiness and business too (more busy maksudnyah, to go and pick-up him from school), and hopefully with more responsibility as a parents. Even we had to go for work everyday but William forsure been taken care in very good hands, mbak Tri & offcourse both Opung Cinere. Ow, Angel Simanjuntak (Frits & Desi's daughter) was born on March 5. So cute baby girl..

Year 2005, more happiness and more new faces coming. Let's start with my 2 times trip to Singapore this year.. on March (on my 33th birthday-I go alone) and on September (on William's 3rd bday-with neil & me & sinurat's). What a big trips and very unforgettable moments, I cannot say it in words - just look the picts at my friendster- what a Blast trip. We were happy for Siska's new house & new baby. Neil, Fiona, William, Tomson, Fita, Timbo & Mama, also Bansar, Siska & Ben (never think that it could be happened)..

About the new faces in our family:
February 6: Robben Ananda Timbo Hasiholan Sinurat, son of Fita & Tom.
September 11: Benedio Filanka Maduma Panjaitan, son of Siska & Bansar.
17 December: Kylie Rachel Christinami Simanjuntak, at the end of 2005,
my Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ - Image hosted by baby girl was born via caesar at Puri Cinere Hospital. She fulfilled the happiness in my family. I cannot say in any word to express the feelings, only tears of happiness can do (those who knows me well, know that I easily cry for any touching moments)..

This year total of 3 grandsons and 1 grandaughter of my mom. It was priceless gifts from God Almighty. The little stones were meaningless compare to all the happiness.. C'est la vie..That's life, my dear..

My personal life, that's another story that I might tell latter in this blog, but not in this page, but after 10 years of working experiences, I finally decided to stop and take a break before I deliver my baby, it was on October 2005, I quit from my job at PT MLC Life Indonesia, as HR Dev. Specialist. It was quite shocking me actually, but that's the best way to pass at that time. I loved my job & my friends & my things at the office, but I was more enjoy as a full time mom for my son & was very happy preparing for the coming of the baby. Shopping and traveling was my agenda at that time.. sampe ke Bandung segala- in my 8th months pregnancy..!

After 6 months being a FTM (ful time mom), and happy with the moments taking care of my babies, I decided that I need to express myself as a working woman again. It's a hard decision to make, but please baby, understand your mom, it was not easy to just stay at home during these days. I love you so much but I have to actualize myself. Then I search and spread my cv to all my networks with hope & pray & hope & pray & hope & pray (emang ber-ulang2 ngetik-nya gituh)...

Then in 2006, I started working again on March 2006, for a temporary job at PT Schering Plough Indonesia, and meet my permanent one on May 2006, at PT Dexa Medica. Thanks God for this easy steps from You, and I am deeply sure everything is from You, including the distance that is only about 30 minutes from my house to go to the office and versa, so I still can meet & play with my babies before & after work.

Still, this year I have one chance again to go to Singapore & Malaysia this year, on July, with Felia & my best friend Asri. We enjoyed the trip so much. Thanks to Siska & Bansar for your kindness to me, very beautiful apartment you have there. Felia is my youngest sister in the family & she was graduate from Junior HS. This trip was a gift for her during the vacation before entering the new school.

There is one more new coming in the family, Rheina Adinda Morani Sinurat, on September 12 -a baby girl of Fita & Tom (you can read my previous posting)- Total 5 grand-children of Oma Usye.. sehat yah Oma. Thanks Lord for this 58th years of my mom on October 16, 2006.
And, the biggest event of the year, it was my brother Ando's wedding. Fernando Tua Parasian Namora Siahaan & Cesy Yulia Sitorus.. were blessed in HKBP Jambi, on 17th November 2006. Thanks God for all the ceremonial. Then, with quick & simple preparation, we have this party at King Resto Jakarta on Nov. 25.
One more new comer in the family. I wish you two happy & have baby soon to complete your happiness. (when I edit this blog, I heard that my sis-in-law is having a baby 5 weeks old, congrats!)

I don't know since when I love to cook this cakes things, but my 'hasrat' to cook was so big & I push myself to make my own birthday cake for William (Sept 17, 2006) with Ultraman character his most favourite one. He brought the cake to school, sorry your mom & dad cannot enjoy that with you (I am feeling so guilty until now) that's the consequency of being a working mom, can't leave your job even on your son's bday during working day.

I tried to make it balance, I also made myself the bday cake for Kylie (Dec 17, 2006) with Barbie doll. (kue dede Kylie ada 2, karena yg barbie rasanya 'gagal' -hehe.. maklum yah nak- tp yg satu lagi sih boleh deh katanya tamu2 sih...) Hopefully you both love it darling.. I love you both so much, babies.. Here are the pictures of ur mom's cakes:

So, at the end of this 2006,
I wish my family all happiness & healthness especially for my kids,
and also success for every efforts that my husband Neil doing for us.
I love you too honey..!

Akhirul kata,
Thank You
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for this New Year 2007,
May all our dreams come true..



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona!
happy new year!!
may God bless you & the family.

sorry baru sempat mampir niih.
salam buat si ganteng william yaa.. :)
