Hi there! GREETINGS ! neowiky.blogspot.com is my precious BLOG, it's my family member names: neil-fiona-william-kylie-kian Have a Nice Reading and your shouts & comments are welcome!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Change. Not easy but have to do.
We had dinner & she told me her story.. about how her life is.. her family.. her past jobs.. and about how she was cheated from unseen virtual friend (i'm sure she was hypnotized).. she lost all of savings from entire life & now has to pay debt to her friends & family. Gosh! I cried for her..
We never know what was planned to us.. There is God Almighty Up There, who knows best for each of us.
So then I hugged her and just stay there with nothing to say, and pray.. pray.. pray.. in my deep down heart..
Hope she could pass this moment and keep going strong..
Me myself, this year is fabulous year.. yet.. unpredictable always happened.. Work story, I just transferred to another Unit that still new for me.. I have to leave my comfort zone, with comfort friends & team.. to a new one.. not easy but I will do my best..
I said fabulous year.. this year a lot of trips.. wouwh I love to travel.. so when plan to have trip I really excited..
Business Trips for this year started from early year until couple days ago.. I went to Medan, Pekanbaru, Solo, Yogya, Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar.. last one to east Java again before the transition.. all with various matters and terms to solved.. Thanks to God ..
Family Trips.. Started with March.. on my birthday.. we went to Singapore with the kids.. we visited Universal Studios and havin so much fun trip .. Then we also have Bali trip.. this was on kids summer holiday.. We went to Bird Park, Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue, Monkey Forrest etc.. and kids having some new experience by seeing another culture of their country.. for sure.. it was a fantastic trip..
Then Lampung trip before we go to Australia with the WHOLE Simanjuntak family.. YES! 22 people of us..
God so kind to our family.. can;t count the blessings.. (picture available in FB).
We never know what will happen for tomorrow.. Always do kind everyday..
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Kids Are Quick - Funny
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
On Kylie's 5th bday preparation..
What are you talking about momzi? OWHH... it's my girl Kylie's bday.... she's turning 5 this December, on 17 December 2010..
I love you my Princess..! so much...
Another day to celebrate the new year 2011..
Perayaan HUT Inmark ke 5; Sederhana dan Penuh Semangat
Corporate News- Pagi ini adalah hari pertama bekerja di Tahun 2011. Tampak tidak ada yang istimewa. Semua bekerja seperti biasa. Hingga pada saat HR Manager Inmark Pharmaceuticals, Ibu Fiona Siahaan menyampaikan pengumuman kepada segenap rekan-rekan Inmark yang berkantor di Titan Center. "Bapak-bapak dan ibu-ibu sekalian mari kita berkumpul sejenak untuk memperingati HUT Inmark yang ke-5," ajaknya. Sontak semua bangkit dari tempat duduknya dan berkumpul di sudut ruangan yang terletak di lantai 7.
HUT Inmark sebenarnya jatuh pada 2 Januari 2011. Namun, karena tanggal tersebut jatuh pada hari minggu, maka peringatan baru dilakukan di Senin, 3 Januari 2011. "Tidak ada perayaan yang istimewa. Masih sama seperti tahun- tahun sebelumnya. Hanya tiup lilin dan potong kue saja," jelas Ibu Fiona.
Meski sederhana, segenap karyawan tampak penuh sukacita merayakannya. Tampak hadir antara lain Pak Kartono, Pak Edo, Pak Fauzi Teguh Mustafa, dan manager dan staf lainnya.
Pada kesempatan ini, Pak Kartono berpesan, "Semakin lama kita harus semakin besar. Berbagai percepatan harus kita lakukan demi kemajuan perusahaan. Dengan tetap menanamkan nilai- nilai perusahaan, tentunya kita dapat terus maju dan berkembang."
Tak lupa pula, Pak Edo, juga menyampaikan beberapa patah kata. "Sekarang saya diamanatkan sebagai Direktur Djembatan Dua dimana Inmark bernaung di dalamnya. Saya berharap kita dapat terus bekerjasama demi mewujudkan harapan bersama, karena banyak harapan di 2011 ini yang menanti untuk kita raih," ujar Pak Edo.
Acara pun berakhir dengan acara tiup lilin dan pemotongan kue. Seluruh karyawan hadir ikut mencicipi kue yang dibagikan. Bravo Inmark...! Liputan Hendy dari Titan Center.
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