Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lebaran Holiday's Report (mom's version)

AHAA !! It's holiday.. loooooong holiday !! 4 days lebaran holiday to enjoy with 3 lil monsters and no nanny.. yippie....

and the journey begins....

Day -1: Lunch + Dinner @ Plaza Semanggi
Day -2: Lunch + Dinner @ Poins Square
Day -3: Lunch + Dinner @ Grand Indonesia
Day -4: Lunch + Dinner @ PIM

then, we picked-up OMA to stay in Cinere for 2 days since Mom has to work & Pap planned to Cirebon for his friends' wedding.

So, nothing to worry, huh ?? Just ready for the nxt month bills, Pap :p

Here, Mom hides some important information, since it's our very colorful secret ;p :
- Nanny already left from 14th of Sept (how to feed the baby, mbak??)
- The big kids, still having school until 17th of Sept (what is today's uniform mbak ??)
- We forgot William's bday on the 17th Sept, due to that 'very busy situation' (gosh!)
- Pap worked so hard as a MOM, since the real Mom has to work (sorry Pap)
- With so many little things to clean-up, to prepare, to check, to handle (ffiuuuh)
- Soooo, 4 days having Lunch + Dinner at mal were sound so fine, right ??! (*wink2*)

You can learn many things from children.
How much patience you have, for instance.

~Franklin P. Jones

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our son is going 7.. Thanks O, God..

A Journal to our lovely son...

...17 September....

2002 : My little bundle was born.. so tiny, so weak.. bout 2.6kg and 33weeks, premature..

2003 : He turned 1.. Joyful families.. Celebrate at Opung's house, Mom was so happy..

2004 : Heyy... he's 2 now ! And.. he's already a little boy in Pre-School, enjoy bday at school !

2005 : Time to travel.. We celebrate his 3rd bday in Bencoolen Singapore, God so good to us :)

2006 : Wheeeww... he's already in K-1, and we celebrate his bday in class room.. happy bday !

2007 : Happy 5th bday abang..! Opung gave you Spiderman costume, Mom still keep it...

2008 : No longer a little kid, 2 little fellas at home (younger sis & bro). PSP was best gift 4 u and new bike from Opung..

and now...... 17 Sept 2009 is coming... and you are going 7 !!
Mom couldn't tell, how much I have to give thanks to the Holy One...
HE's So Kind to Us !

you are my precious one, my son..

William Paulus Nathanael Simanjuntak...
Be a good brother for your sister
Kylie Rachel Christinami Simanjuntak
and a best buddy for your little brother
Kian Christopher Benjamin Simanjuntak

Mom loves u all.. day and night..

These pics are taken when you're 4,5 and 6.. before that no digital pic ones, later yaa.. will scan it..

Mom home-made bday cake.. try to always make it myself :)

So happy having his first gadget.. & pic with friends & teacher

Never forget Pap.. who always worked so hard for our wealth..
Luv u too Pap...

What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father.
~Friedrich Nietzsche

A boy is a magical creature - you can lock him out of your workshop, but you can't lock him out of your heart.
~Allan Beck

Friday, September 04, 2009

Trip to Jogja

Before Lebaran holidays, mom & pap took 2 days vacation for trip to Yogya.. Got very affordable tickets & hotel, so even with our hectic work, we made it... Luv you hney.. So unforgettable moments there..

'Bout the trip.... Ouuuuwh..I love this city so much.. been sooooo long since my last trip to YK... a little bit flash-back.. when I was in college, I spent bout 3-4 times a year to visit Yogya, just for refreshment or visiting friends....

This time, we stay in Santika Hotel, with Ramadhan package, so we got special price with 2x meals ..very very recommended food... Since it's only 3 days (2 nites), we don't go anywhere but Malioboro ..hehe.. went to Bringhardjo Market 2x & walked around there.. Becak was our best option for transportation back-forth hotel-malioboro.

Enjoy the pics..

A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in. ~Robert Orben